Perth Martial Arts Jeet Kune Do Academy
Perth Martial Arts Jeet Kune Do Academy is dedicated to teaching, preserving and spreading Bruce Lee’s martial art to the Perth community of Western Australia.
It is the only Martial Arts Academy in Perth teaching this art and has created a Jeet Kune Do revival since its inception in September 2012. It is gradually becoming a thriving training centre for those wishing to take advantage of its reality based self defence training concepts and philosophies.
Combat Defence Systems was founded on the philosophies of Bruce Lee’s JKD and has attracted many that would like to acquire the skills required to assist in their job position or just wanting to learn an effective self defence based Martial Art to keep themselves and their families safe. People from all walks of life including Police officers, Prison Guards, Tradespeople, Professionals and Mums and Dads train in this art at our academy and enjoy not only developing martial arts skills but the the family environment and support that we are offer at our academy.
With Jeet Kune Do’s philosophy of ‘Absrob what is useful’, Reject what is useless, and ‘Add what is specifically your own’, it has attracted many forward thinkers. It is amazing to think how far ahead of his time Bruce Lee was with his forward thinking and ability to develop and pass on what he named Jeet Kune Do, which translates to ‘The way of the intercepting fist’.
At Perth Martial Arts Jeet Kune Do Academy, we are proud to be certified instructors in the arts of Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do and The Filipino Martial Arts under Guro Dan Inosanto.
If you are further interested in learning JKD at our Perth Martial Arts Jeet Kune Do Academy click on the below link to unlock The Next Evolution In Personal Safety With Combat Defence Systems
Secure your FREE Introductory Jeet Kune Do Lesson Here!
Certified Head Instructor: Gino Vallelonga