Kali is a traditional Filipino Martial Art and is also known as Escrima (also spelt Eskrima) or Arnis. This highly efficient and effective martial art is a weapons based martial art and extends all of its techniques to empty hand. It has no-nonsense approach to dealing with an attacker that is armed or unarmed with the aggressor’s limbs commonly targeted for destruction. This concept is known as ‘de-fanging the snake’. Due to its effectiveness and practicality, it is employed by military and law enforcement agencies throughout the world today.
All ranges of combat are covered in this art including weaponry, striking, grappling and joint locking. Some of the weapons which are taught in this style include; single stick, double stick, stick and knife and staff. Bladed weapons such as sword and knife are also taught. Kali employs various self-perfection training drills which are extremely useful in developing attributes such as sensitivity, speed, timing, line familiarisation and target acquisition. Kali is also well know for its cognitive benefits due to its use of double weapons and training both sides of the brain.
Combat Defence Systems teaches predominately the Inosanto/Lacoste Kali method and have the privilege to be certified under Kali world authority Guro Dan Inosanto.